Our Learners of the week – Ambitious and Capable Learners
Well done to all our Learners of the Week for all their hard work and achievements this week.

Easter celebrations
All the classes have been very busy building up to Easter. The children in key stage 2 and Dosbarth 2 visited St Cynbryd’s Church and Nursery and Dosbarth 1 have been very busy in class. Follow the link below to see more of the work the children have produced across the school:

Active Journeys – Scooter Skills workshops – Health and well being
Following on from all the wonderful support for our Big Wheel Big Walk 2022, it was lovely to welcome Debbie from Sustrans to the school. She will be working with the school to promote Active Journeys to school, and Dosbarth 1 and Dosbarth 2 had a great time joining her for a Scooter skills workshop. The children learnt all about using their scooters safely and had a great time practising their skills and balance on their scooters!
We look forward to welcoming Debbie back to school in the future to work with other classes to raise awareness of the benefits of Active Journeys.

Diary Dates – Summer Term
We have a busy term ahead again after Easter. Below are some of the key dates for your diary, and we will be updating you as the term progresses.
Monday 25th April – Staff training day
Tuesday 26th April – Children return to school
Tuesday 26th April – Year 4 swimming at Eirias Park – further details to follow
Tuesday 26th April – Kick It after school club for children who have already booked. 3.15- 4.30pm
Have a wonderful Easter break, and we look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Tuesday 26th April