Ysgol Llanddulas

Newsletter 11th March

Our Learners of the week

Well done to all our fantastic learners of the week

Outside Achievers

Congratulations ! We are so proud of this superstar who competed in the English Taekwondo Championship last weekend, and came home as English Gold 2022 winner in tag sparring. A fantastic achievement for someone who always works so hard with everything that she does.

Workshops at St Cynbryd’s Church

The children in the key stage 2 classes enjoyed some very special visits to St Cynbryd’s to learn all about Communion and the Eucharist. We are very grateful to Reverend Janice, Dr Lloyd and all the other volunteers at the church, who put together a whole range of different activities to help the children learn about the church and Christina worship. The children got to light candles, make doves as symbols of Peace and make their own crosses. The children also worked together in the church grounds to make their own Easter gardens which they brought back to school for our reflection area.

It was lovely to see the children working in the newly modelled church, and learning through such engaging activities. We are looking forward to the next workshop for all the classes to attend.

Show Racism the Red Card

This week we were delighted to welcome April from ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ to work with the children in Class 4 and Class 5. We were very impressed by the thoughtful contributions the children made during the sessions and the excellent work they produced.

Dosbarth 4 working with April from Show Racism the Red Card

School Crossing Patrol

Sue will be taking a well deserved break next week and there will be no crossing patrol from Monday 14th – Friday 18th March. We will be welcoming Sue back on Monday 21st and hope she has a lovely break!

Fund raising day in support of Ukraine

Thank you so much for all our support for our non-uniform day to raise funds for the people of Ukraine. Thanks to all your generosity we were able to donate £384 to the British Red Cross Ukraine Appeal.

Abergele Library

Check out details below of an exciting opportunity at Abergele library on Saturday mornings.

Diary Dates

Monday 14th March – Mrs Edge guitar and violin lessons

Tuesday 15th March – Class 3 Swimming

Wednesday 16th March – Engage at Emrys after school activities – Year 5/6

Thursday 17th March – Class 5 Amazon art workshop at Emrys ap Iwan

Friday 18th March – RED NOSE DAY. Non Uniform day to raise funds for Red Nose Day

Week beginning 4th April – Parents Evening meetings online

Friday 8th April – Break up for Easter holidays

Monday 25th April – Staff Training Day

Tuesday 26th April – Children return to school for summer term